EnagicWebSystem.com  +1 (252) 557-0520

Kangen Water Demo, Business Seminar, and 6A and Above Meeting Hosted by 6A12-7 Romi Verdera and 6A7-3 Joe Reid

Enagic - New York 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Agenda: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (EST)  Water Demo and Compensation Plan Overview 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.              Business Building Seminar 1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.           Break 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.      6A and above Meeting and Recognition 6A AND ABOVE MEETING AND RECOGNITION Hosted by New York Branch Manager Kaoru Ae Please, bring your prospects to the Seminar. Free filter for prospects in attendance who purchase and ionizer after the presentation. Reservation is required and to be recognized as a new 6A and Above, please email kaoru.a@enagic.com or call (718) 784-2110    

Kangen Water Demo, Business Seminar, and 6A and Above Meeting Hosted by 6A12-7 Romi Verdera and 6A7-3 Joe Reid

Enagic - New York 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Agenda: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (EST)  Water Demo and Compensation Plan Overview 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.              Business Building Seminar 1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.           Break 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.      6A and above Meeting and Recognition 6A AND ABOVE MEETING AND RECOGNITION Hosted by New York Branch Manager Kaoru Ae Please, bring your prospects to the Seminar. Free filter for prospects in attendance who purchase and ionizer after the presentation. Reservation is required and to be recognized as a new 6A and Above, please email kaoru.a@enagic.com or call (718) 784-2110    

Kangen Water Demo and Business Presentation Hosted by Colin Brown

Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Discover the benefits of Kangen Water and learn about the Enagic business opportunity. Invite your prospects! Prospects who purchase a Kangen Water Ionizer after the seminar will receive a free filter! Kangen Water Ionizers and Kangen Ukon available for pick up!  

6A2-3 and Above Enagic Meeting Hosted by Seattle, Enagic U.S.A., and Enagic Marketing HQ Leaders

Enagic - Lynnwood, WA 18920 28th Ave. W Suite 105, Lynnwood, WA, United States
Venue: Enagic Seattle Branch 18920 28th Ave W, Ste 105 Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 640-2222 6A2-3 and Above Enagic Meeting* *6A and Above also invited. 4 p.m. (PST) Friday, January 27, 2023 The meeting will be hosted by Seattle, Enagic U.S.A., and Enagic Marketing HQ leaders and will include the latest news about Enagic 2023 global initiatives, important upcoming events, and a round-table discussion.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Super Saturday with Tamia

Enagic - New York 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 11am to 12:30 pm (EST) Presentation and Demo by 6A2 Derrick Allen Certified Master Trainer   12:45 to 2pm (EST) Business Seminar by 6A11-4 Tamia Bethea-Williams Certified Master Trainer.   Invite your prospects! Kangen Water Ionizers and Kangen Ukon available for pick up. Free filter for prospect who purchase the unit after the event.   Refreshments available.  


The Westin Bellevue 600 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue, WA, United States
Venue: The Westin Bellevue 600 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425-638-1000 Enagic Water Demonstration and Business Training Seminar! Expert sales training from successful Enagic distributors! For serious, business-minded entrepreneurs who want to learn from top Enagic leaders in person! BUILD YOUR TEAM! INVITE YOUR NEW PROSPECTS! Get tickets reimbursed after the event using your E-Points! LEVELUK K8*, SD501, AND ANESPA DX ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE IN THE ENAGIC SALES SUITE AT THE EVENT! *Free filter with purchase of K8 or SD501 at the event. Tickets are available here - $135 per ticket

San Diego Executive Luncheon

Sufi Mediterranean Cuisine 5915 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA, United States
Venue: Sufi Mediterranean Cuisine 5915 Balboa Ave San Diego, CA 92111

123 Science of Water Hosted by Derek Feliciano

Enagic - Honolulu, HI 1585 Kapiolani Blvd #1760, Honolulu, HI, United States
Venue: Enagic Hawaii Branch 1585 Kapiolani Blvd #1760 Honolulu, HI 96814 (808) 949-5300

Kangen Water Demo Hosted by Bharat Shah

Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Kangen Water ionizes and Ukon are available for purchase/pick up. Free filter for prospects in attendance who purchase an ionizer immediately following the demonstration. Invite your prospects!    

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Kangen Water Demo Hosted by Bharat Shah

Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Kangen Water ionizes and Ukon are available for purchase/pick up. "Free filter for prospects in attendance who purchase an ionizer after the demo" Invite your prospects!    

Group Training

Enagic Golf Club of EastLake 2375 Clubhouse drive, Chula Vista, CA, United States
Venue: Enagic San Diego 2375 Clubhouse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91915 (619) 864-7394

Water Demo and Business Training Hosted by Yen Cao and Ruby Vo

Enagic - Honolulu, HI 1585 Kapiolani Blvd #1760, Honolulu, HI, United States
Venue: Enagic Hawaii Branch 1585 Kapiolani Blvd #1760 Honolulu, HI 96814 (808) 949-5300 Please bring your prospects! We will have some machines available for pick up, with a free filter for your prospect.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Super Sabado Hosted by 6A2-2 Stephanie Contreras, 6A2 SRTA. Marielena Gonzalez, and 6A8-3 SR Omar Ramirez

Enagic - Torrance 4115 Spencer St., Torrance, CA, United States
Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 542-7700 Free Event! KANGEN WATER IONIZERS* AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE EVENT! *Limited supply in stock *New prospects who attend and purchase a machine at the seminar can pick up the same day and receive an additional filter for free!


Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Kangen Water Ionizer and Kangen Ukon available for purchase/pick up. Free filter for prospects in attendance who purchase the ionizer after the seminar. This is a free event! Invite your prospects!

Dimostrazione Acqua 💧 alcalina ionizzata ridotta

Dimostrazione dal vivo della nostra particolare acqua, con possibilità di rimanere a cena e condividere le esperienze di tutti i collaboratori e clienti. Sarà  possibile seguire l’evento con una diretta su zoom al link qui 👇 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4647055337?pwd=bEsrZnNiaHV5N0tkRDNqTE9EWHVNUT09 ID riunione: 464 705 5337 Passcode: 631181   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4647055337?pwd=bEsrZnNiaHV5N0tkRDNqTE9EWHVNUT09

Tea Time with Bharat Shah

Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 Feel the delicious wonders of tea made with Kangen Water while you learn the benefits of our products! Invite your prospects! Prospects who purchase a Kangen Water ionizer after seminar will receive a free filter! Kangen Water ionizers and Kangen Ukon available for pick up!    

Global Sales Contest Overview

Zoom Virtual Meeting
Zoom Call Meeting ID: 843 4916 6183 Passcode: 031741 https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc-CpqD0rEtd8ZVOhvx5BuBufUvEB9ZvG

Presentation Seminars

Venue: Enagic San Diego 2375 Clubhouse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91915 (619) 864-7394