EnagicWebSystem.com  +1 (252) 557-0520

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291


Enagic - Torrance 4115 Spencer St., Torrance, CA, United States
Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 542-7700 Free Event Open to all distributors, invite your new prospects  


Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 You are invited to attend a 3-hour Kangen Water Demo and Business Seminar hosted by two of NY Top Enagic Distributors. 11 am to 12:30 pm (EST) Presentation and demo by 6A2 Derrick Allen Certified Master Trainer   12:45 pm to 2 pm (EST) Business Seminar by 6A11-4 Tamia Bethea-Williams Certified Master Trainer  

Water Demonstration presented by Jon Swardstrom

Enagic - Lynnwood, WA 18920 28th Ave. W Suite 105, Lynnwood, WA, United States
Venue: Enagic Seattle Branch 18920 28th Ave W, Ste 105 Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 640-2222

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291


Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (479) 283-4559 You are invited to attend a 2-hour Kangen Water Demo and Business Seminar hosted by three of CA Top Enagic Distributors. ⏰ 11:00 am to 11:45 am (PST) Presentation: Shadi Pezeshki & Shadi Jamshidy Certified Nutrition and Hydration   ⏰ 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (PST) Business Seminar: Kenny Broukhim  

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Demonstration and business Overview Hosted by Danita Evans

Enagic - New York 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110 This is a FREE event!! Invite your prospects, friends, and families.

Water Demo and Q&A with Sam Tran

Enagic - Lynnwood, WA 18920 28th Ave. W Suite 105, Lynnwood, WA, United States
Venue: Enagic Seattle Branch 18920 28th Ave W, Ste 105 Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 640-2222  

Dimostrazione acqua 💧 kangen a Sassari

Hotel Pegasus VIA PREDDA NIEDDA 37/L, SASSARI, SS, Italy
L'acqua è l'elemento più importante al mondo
Scopri con noi le caratteristiche della nostra acqua alcalina, ionizzata, ridotta, contattaci al 3295731277 per info ℹ️

 •Bere tanta acqua, ogni giorno, è fondamentale per la nostra salute. L’acqua trasporta i nutrienti alle cellule, aiuta la digestione, elimina le tossine, aiuta a prevenire mal di testa e stanchezza e può anche aiutare a perdere peso o a mantenere la linea. Il corpo umano è composto di acqua al 75% e rimanere ben idratati è fondamentale per una salute ed una vita ottimali.

Tutte le info al link qui sotto 👇  http://www.trifettiani.com/   Ospite d’eccezione Missidrogeno & Mencarelli Emanuela 6A con il leader dei #TRIFETTIANI Bincoletto Francesco

Dimostrazione💧 dal vivo e presentazione progetto Sardegna

Hotel Pegasus VIA PREDDA NIEDDA 37/L, SASSARI, SS, Italy
Secondo evento dal vivo, dove sarà possibile appurare le caratteristiche della nostra acqua e conoscere nel dettaglio il nostro progetto che stiamo lanciando in Sardegna. Non perdere l’occasione di partecipare a uno dei cambiamenti più importanti del terzo millennio. Potrai conoscere la comunity dei TRIFETTIANI e decidere di farne parte. ℹ️  e prenotazioni; Francesco & Emanuela 3295731277 - +39 380 799 0317   http://www.trifettiani.com/

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Business Demo Water Presentation

Enagic - Lynnwood, WA 18920 28th Ave. W Suite 105, Lynnwood, WA, United States
Presented by Health Coach Lily Ilnitsky 6A.

Dimostrazione dal vivo presso il Bar NOSH

bar Nosh Via Prisciano 24, Roma, Lazio, Italy
Evento dal vivo presso il Bar NOSH che sta sfruttando al massimo le potenzialità dello ionizzatore K8 è da la possibilità a tutti i suoi clienti di bere buonissima acqua antiossidante. Non perdere l’occasione di partecipare a questo fantastico evento che può cambiarti la vita IN MEGLIO.   Per info; Pilotti Maurizio +39 328 1580995  

Dimostrazione presso il BAR EVENTI

bar eventi Via dei Bentivoglio 23, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Dimostrazione in presenza del nostro dispositivo K8, con la possibilità di provare e confrontarsi, con esperti del settore, sulle caratteristiche e gli infiniti utilizzi che si possono fare con questo prodotto TREND. Non perdere l’occasione di conoscere come poter cambiare la tua vita in MEGLIO e di sapere come poter vivere in maniera più eco-logica   ℹ️ e prenotazioni Pilotti Mairizio +39 328 158 0995   http://www.acquaalcalina.info/

Presentazione zoom di Maurizio e Pietro Pilotti, fisioterapista FIJLKAM



LA NOSTRA VITA DIPENDE DALL’ACQUA 🌀 Infatti siamo fatti per l’85% di acqua, l’Acqua è l’elemento alla base del nostro benessere


Vieni a scoprire, una volta per tutte, le verità in merito all’acqua che utilizziamo! DA POCO IN ITALIA 🇮🇹 L’innovazione tecnologica giapponese è in grado di trasformare l’acqua del tuo rubinetto in acqua viva alcalina ionizzata come quella delle migliori sorgenti presenti sul Pianeta.

LA NOSTRA AZIENDA, da oltre 50 anni continua a migliorare la vita di milioni di persone 👩‍🔧 💦Sono migliaia ormai le ricerche scientifiche e le testimonianze personali, centinaia le strutture sanitarie e medici luminari importanti che utilizzano questa tecnologia che permette la miglior idratazione possibile. 💦 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4647055337?pwd=bEsrZnNiaHV5N0tkRDNqTE9EWHVNUT09 Password : 631181


Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291


Zoom Virtual Meeting

Evento internazionale imperdibile con speakers d’eccezione e formazione di altissimo livello per ottenere la vera salute fisica, mentale e finanziaria.

Per partecipare contattaci al: +39 3295731277



Enagic - Torrance 4115 Spencer St., Torrance, CA, United States
Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 542-7700    

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291