EnagicWebSystem.com  +1 (252) 557-0520

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Health & Hydration Business Presentation

Every Friday Time: 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 1:30 PM Eastern Time 6:30 PM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE **   Join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 No Passcode Click here to register!   Presented by Talana Craig
  • Single Mother
  • Executive Assistant
  • Passion for children
  • Entrepreneur
And Lionel Slade
  • Single Father
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness
  • Entrepreneur/Business Developer

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Presentazione Prodotto e Piano Compensi

enagic - Rome Via Marco Aurelio 35/A, Rome, Rome, Italy
Lunedì 12 giugno a Roma Presso la sede Italiana Enagic. Grande presentazione delle proprietà di dell'acqua alcalina Ionizzata e dell'opportunità di business Etico per imprese (parrucchieri , estetisti , centri benessere, Palestre , bar, ristoranti, hotel ecc) professionisti e privati Grande intervento del dottor Delrio. Presentazione del piano compensato. Per organizzare al meglio contattare Emanuela Mencarelli su whatsapp al 3208894530 per le adesioni.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291


Enagic - Torrance 4115 Spencer St., Torrance, CA, United States
Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (479) 283-4559 You are invited to attend a 2-hour Kangen Water Demo and Business Seminar hosted by three of CA Top Enagic Distributors. 11 am to 11:45 pm (PST) Presentation and demo by Shadi Pezeshki & Shadi Jamshidy Certified Nutrition and Hydration   12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (PST) Business Seminar by  Kenny Broukhim  

Wellness and Business opportunity with Health Coach Lily Ilnitsky

Enagic - Lynnwood, WA 18920 28th Ave. W Suite 105, Lynnwood, WA, United States
Wellness and Business opportunity with Health Coach Lily Ilnitsky 6A Kangen water demonstration and explanation of compensation to get to 6A. Healthy food cleaned and made with Kangen water will be offered!  

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

Presentazione Prodotto e Piano Compensi

enagic - Rome Via Marco Aurelio 35/A, Rome, Rome, Italy
Vieni a vedere a Roma nella splendida sede Enagic le proprietà dal vivo dell'acqua alcalina ionizzata. Vieni a vedere come quest'acqua è alcalina, antiossidante e microstrutturata,
Vieni a conoscere da vicino un'opportunità lavorativa per tutti.
Vieni a conoscere un progetto di business Etico per Imprenditori e Persone fisiche.

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Compliant Kangen Water® demo and business opportunity.

Topic: Innovation, Opportunity & Impact Business Presentation

Organized by: TEAM GLOBAL IMPACT Date: EVERY FRIDAY Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM Central Time CST 9:00 PM Eastern Time EST 10:00 PM Canada Time ADT 2:30 AM UK / International ** PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR TIME ZONE ABOVE ** Event Organizers: Lionel Slade * Single Father * IT Support Specialist * Passion for God, People and Health & Wellness * Entrepreneur/Business Developer Talana Craig * Single Mother * Executive Assistant * Passion for children * Entrepreneur ** THERE WILL BE GUEST PRESENTERS ** ----------------------------------------- New Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83697939593?pwd=eVpld1RjakJaRTVxY2RaQkxQemtZdz09 Meeting ID: 836 9793 9593 Passcode: 211003 INVITE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS NEIGHBORS & COWORKERS!! 🔥🔥 CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION: 747-236-8291

US Tour 2023 Hosted by Kaz Yokoya

Enagic - Astoria 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria, NY, United States
Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110

US Tour 2023 Hosted by Kaz Yokoya

Enagic - Chicago, IL 1154 S Elmhurst Rd, Mount Prospect, IL, United States
Venue: Enagic Chicago Branch 1154 S. Elmhurst Rd. Mount Prospect, IL 60056-4241 (847) 430-4013