EnagicWebSystem.com  +1 (252) 557-0520

Water Demo and Business Presentation Hosted by Colin Brown

Enagic - New York 3636 33rd Street Suite 101, Astoria

Venue: Enagic New York Branch 3636 33rd Street Suite 101 Astoria NY 11106 (718) 784-2110   Come to learn the benefits of Kangen Water and to received a great business […]

Los Angeles New Year’s Recognition Celebration Hosted by Los Angeles Branch Manager Sarah Bix Hernandez

Enagic - Torrance 4115 Spencer St., Torrance

Venue: Enagic Torrance Branch Seminar Room 4115 Spencer St. Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 542-7700 FREE EVENT! Open to all distributors, invite your new prospects! KANGEN WATER® IONIZERS* AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE EVENT! *Limited supply in stock. *New prospects who attend and purchase a machine at the seminar can pick up the same day and receive […]

Kangen Demo and 6A meeting Hosted by 6A2 Liza Villanueva and 6A4-3 Enfroni and Leonia NiNi

Enagic - Chicago, IL 1154 S Elmhurst Rd, Mount Prospect

Venue: Enagic Chicago Branch 1154 S. Elmhurst Rd. Mount Prospect, IL 60056-4241 (847) 430-4013 Kangen Demo and 6A meeting (Chicago office ) 11/19( Sat) from 2pm  ~ 3:30pm Water demo by Liza Villanueva ( 6A2) Distributor training by  Enfroni and Leonia  NiNi ( 6A4-3) ** Machine pick up available only on this date ( SD501 […]

Kangen Water Presentation Demostración.

Zoom Virtual Meeting

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8284273054?pwd=SGdiMUhHTyszRVpoQmNQSjR2RWNVUT09 Meeting ID: 828 427 3054 Passcode: 882656   You are invited to Join Paul and Tania Baker as they host a very special educational online Zoom meeting Live Kangen Water presentation $ demonstration. Invite Attend... YOUR Participation is Appreciated!!!